Ageing is not a matter that we can escape however the way we are going to live will make a difference in all stages of our life. Every decade has its personal habits that we can consider including in our daily routine.

Women in their twenties:

How about developing healthy new habits to build a good foundation for later in your life. You can start to have a visit to your health care practitioner once a year. Get into the habit to exercise regularly so you keep it for life.

Try to skip the soda and extra sugars, and increase your vegetable intake. If you didn’t begin yet, now you may want to start taking a multivitamin. Taking a multivitamin regularly will help to ensure you are getting all nutrients needed for this period and beyond.

Women in their thirties:

Time to balance the demands of family and yourself can be very challenging during this period. As you are making connections with others at work they can help and support you along the way throughout your life.

Not to forget that bone and muscle loss start at this point, so making sure you are exercising and getting enough calcium is essential to keep healthy during this period of life. The bottom line is, sit less and don’t stop moving, and establish a good daily routine is perfect.

Women in their forties:

If you haven’t made regular doctor visits a priority, now that might be the time to start this habit. It is good to know where you’re at for your numbers (cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure). As we all know the metabolism tends to slow in this decade, so learning how to maintain a good muscle mass and a healthy weight will help you in future years to come.

Some exercises to do such as stretching, yoga, and meditation can be useful to incorporate into your health regimen. Also, add fish oil to your diet it is good for your heart and your brain, as we age.

Women in their fifties:

In this age group, the health concerns are bone mass and heart health. Women can lose as much as half their bone mass in the 5 to 10 years after menopause. Heart health is a major concern as well, make sure you have a good exercising program to keep your heart in shape and add sufficient calcium to your diet. Besides soy is another good protein that helps to support heart and bone health.

Women in their sixties and beyond:

This is a period of retirement and may present some adjustments for some if you are not prepared. It is time to reach out to family, friends, and other social groups. It is crucial to go and get involved in some social groups to avoid the insolation that comes with retirement.

Continue to exercise because it helps you physically and emotionally even doing at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day if possible.

To conclude, while each period has its health challenges most of them are going to follow us all the way to our life such as heart health, bone health, mental health, blood sugar levels, and weight management.

That is why it is important to start at a young age not waiting until the problems come. We need to be proactive and prevent these challenges by having healthy living habits.

To your health!

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