I have been in Network Marketing since 2012. I did not know how it worked but I did learn a lot along the way. Before I have to admit that I hated it,  did not see myself doing it.

Then Network Marketing was calling and following me until I decided to give it a try.
Even more impressive I thought that we did not have to sell a product or services, you can say I was naive no doubt as you can imagine.

Second, I needed to learn what is Network Marketing and the principles of it. Also, I learn to speak to people which was the most important and difficult part to do. For instance, I was very direct to answer people I did not pay attention to how I was talking to them.

I would say to somebody who wanted me to join his network:  ” I am not interested in that ” It is not a polite response, my friend who was coaching me says:  ” It is not the best way to say that you are not interested in joining. ”

Because this is telling them that you are not interested in them so that consequently they won’t be interested in what you are doing. It is as simple as that,  I see! I responded.

One of the answers could be: ” At this point, I am unable to do it, however, If I know a person who might be interested in your network I will give your name and your website. ” This one shows that you respect them by being interested in their work. So they will respond accordingly.

But there is one thing that is triggering me mostly all the time, is when you call a person for a second appointment and they don’t pick up the receiver even after telling you that they were interested before !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What happened in between the 2 calls, It is this little hamster in your mind between your ears talking to you.

Instead of telling you that they don’t want to continue anymore for XYZ reasons which are fine with me, they keep silent and don’t answer even If I told them to do so by email or phone call. I know that they are afraid to tell me the truth !!!!!!!!!

Obviously, it is not a fact that I can change that and It was annoying me a lot at the start, now, I let go and move forward and don’t give a second thought. Although they don’t answer their silence speaks it all without knowing it, no response = NO
period. Then I know what they have in mind!!!!!!

Now, I don’t get upset with it because It is human nature and we all do that including myself and let them go but It was frustrating at the beginning. In addition, not to forget that our silence is a response!

At this point, before jumping or pushing which is common in Network Marketing, you need to learn to listen to the needs of people, teach and give them information so that they can make an informed decision. And as we used to say before they have to KNOW – LIKE -TRUST you before building a relationship with us.

Silence speaks louder than your words!

What I like about my business as an online business entrepreneur is that I go to help people to get what they want and get better health and lifestyle and meet wonderful new friends.

Let me know your thought!  Please, I would like to hear from you!


Gaétane Ferland

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